Wind and Solar
Wind and solar energy represent renewable resources in their simplest form. Wind has been around since the Egyptian’s use for grinding grain and pumping water. As to solar, its prominence was brought on by the National Aeronautical Space Agency (NASA) in the 1960’s, powering the satellites they placed in Earth’s orbit.
Both technologies have been transformed from their early beginnings to more efficient means of energy production.
Today, wind and solar are paired together in co-operation sites to form very reliable and continuous energy producing resources, compared to a single derivative component site. While wind produces the most electricity in the winter and night time hours, the sun provides solar energy during the summer and daytime. The applications for these two original renewables are limitless, which include but is not limited to:
With wind & solar energy as the pioneering renewable energy technologies, these specific sectors have continued to advance at a proficient rate with technological advances being unveiled every year at every technology conference worldwide. NAEG’s “Next-Level” team aggressively continues to seek technology licenses and development partnerships with companies in this tech-sector.